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Nothing is more provocative to a dictator than the weakness of free nations.
Rihards Kols: Nothing is more provocative to a dictator than the weakness of free nations
Latvian MP tells the Russian delegation to follow the Russian warship
Rihards Kols intervention at OSCE PA: Russian war criminals have no place here!
Rihards Kols on Russia's export of corruption
R.Kols on what the head of the Russian delegation said to him at the OSCE
Rihards Kols par 2% no IKP atvēlēšanu aizsardzībai
Rihards Kols par ilgtspējīgu politiku
Western leadership: 'It's not strength that's provocative, it's weakness' | John Bolton
Rihards Kols par Valsts aizsardzības dienestu
Rihards Kols - Latvijas balss Eiropā!
Who Was Hitler | You think you know Adolf Hitler?